WEEK 28 - Experiencing self-doubt? Do the work anyway

Hey HOMwork friends, happy Friday!

(If this is your first time joining us, take a peek at our Challenge Archive for all previous assignments.)

This week we have a follow-up assignment from one of our past guest teachers, Lauren Ronquillo! Besides being my favorite travel companion Lauren is a multidisciplinary graphic designer specializing in hand lettering, illustration and signage; based in NYC & abroad.

Lauren Ronquillo lounging and sketching.

From Lauren:

Do you ever doubt your creativity? Yes? Then congratulations! Doubt can actually be a pretty useful thing.

It is, first and foremost, a signifier of humility, which no doubt (pun entirely intended) is a lovely characteristic. Doubt tells us when we may be veering "outside of our lane" (Yes, please) or doubt might try to tell us our dreams are too big (Never) which makes doubt a great indicator that we may be on to something creatively. The anxious butterflies in our stomach mean we have unveiled something that isn't safe or easy and that is the precipice of true creativity. Doubt is a sign you’ve reached a point of real experimentation and although often uncomfortable, experiencing doubt is part of being an artist.

So doubt is a good thing, but what about when doubt becomes so overwhelming that it paralyzes you? During my last HOMwork assignment, I asked everyone to share something they struggled with in their work and the vast majority of you babes lettered “Self Doubt” and it’s cousin, “Imposter Syndrome,”. This called for a follow-up!

Our gut reaction is to resist doubt and focus on being “confident,” basically, to get rid of doubt at all costs. But here’s the thing, doubt is a fundamental part of the human experience and entirely inescapable. All your favorite artists, everyone you’ve ever admired, they all experienced doubt and still went on to create incredibly impactful work.

So what’s the secret? When I’m having a particularly doubtful moment I remind myself of these words of wisdom from Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way, “Many of us believe that 'real artists' do not experience self-doubt. In truth, artists are people who have learned to live with doubt and do the work anyway.”

'Artists are the people who have learned to live with doubt and do the work anyway.' Julia Cameron quote hand-lettered by Lauren Ronquillo.


Awww yeah - as a HOMwork subscriber, you get two FREE Procreate brushes to play with every week, courtesy of DesignCuts.

<< Click here to download this week's brushes!

Your Assignment: Letter a quote relating to self-doubt from one of your favorite artists or from someone you admire.

Allow this assignment to serve as a reminder that even those we look up to the most experience self-doubt. While you’re creating the piece, stay in tune with yourself, and if you experience any doubt consider allowing it to work alongside you. That's the secret: Do the work anyway :)


  • “You’re an artist when you say you are” -Amanda Palmer

  • “I don’t think there’s an artist of any value who doesn’t doubt what they’re doing” -Francis Ford Coppola

  • "Courage is more important than confidence" -Debbie Millman

  • “If you hear a voice within you saying, ‘You are not a painter,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” -Vincent van Gogh

  • “There is no ‘right’ way to make art. The only wrong is in not trying" -Lisa Golightly

  • "Certainty is a closing of the mind. To create something new you must have doubt." -Milton Glasier

Caption Idea: Tell us what you admire about the person you chose to quote!

Don't forget to tag @homsweethom and @laurenronquillo then follow and use the hashtag #HOMwork so we can see how you're embracing doubt! We’ll be sharing our favs in our stories all week!

Lauren & Lauren

Lauren Hom

Lauren Hom is a designer, letterer, and educator. A self-proclaimed "artist with a business brain", she picked up hand lettering as a hobby while studying advertising in college. Over the next few years (and thanks to the power of the internet), she leveraged a few clever passion projects into a thriving design career.

When she's not designing, you can probably find her cooking an elaborate vegetarian meal at home or finally making her way through the niche craft supplies she bought last year.


WEEK 29 - this gets my stamp of approval...


WEEK 27 - This one's gonna be a piece of cake!