Lauren Hom Lauren Hom

Side Projects: Your New Secret Weapon

People often ask how I found success in the creative industry at such a young age, and while there are many factors, my number one answer is: side projects!

When I graduated from art school in 2013, I was no more talented or hungry than the next wide-eyed, recent college grad. But I was more resourceful and proactive. My first side project, Daily Dishonesty, started as a joke in college and turned into a 5-figure book deal. Another side project, Will Letter for Lunch, took me from zero chalkboard lettering experience to designing chalk murals for brands like LinkedIn and Microsoft in less than a year. These passion projects not only gave me fun, creative outlets, they kickstarted my career in ways I never thought possible.

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Lauren Hom Lauren Hom

5 Ways to Gain Exposure Without Working For Free

To work for free or not to work for free? That is the question, though it shouldn't even be a question in my opinion.

Some have argued that when you’re in the beginning stages of your career, it’s advantageous to work for free for big companies to build connections, good karma, and so on. Since I’m speaking on behalf of a consistently undervalued profession, I’m going to beg to differ. While connections and good karma will absolutely help you in your career, starting your hourly rate at $0 will put you at a significant disadvantage. I know what it’s like to start out as a creative: wide-eyed, hungry, and ready to pounce on any & all opportunities that come your way. However, working for free isn't the only way to gain exposure and build your portfolio.

Here are 5 other ways to get your work out there that don’t involve giving free artwork to a for-profit company.

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